Just another day of duplicity at the office. Just one more nail in the journalistic career of Alison Morris


Just another day of duplicity at the office. Just one more nail in the journalistic career of Alison Morris.  Miss Morris is the epitome of the old adage “people in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones.” Today she used the Irish News to attack the use of social media.  In her article, she condemned the use of social media, claiming it was the tool of every sort of malcontent, bigot and nut; lambasting the fact that it gives them a worldwide audience.  All this, despite the fact that she is a fervent user of social media for her own ends.

Morris continually sends out a flow of information about her social and work life on the web, something that would come back to hunt her this week. At an NUJ appeal hearing, to deal with issues surrounding the Boston Collage Tapes, Morris and Ciaran Barnes lost.  Both Barnes and Morris failed to attend, Barnes took a bad dose of chicken’s, pox that is, while Morris claimed she was unable to attend due to being a single mum and the cost would be to exuberant to someone in such penurious circumstances.  Unfortunately for Miss Morris, she couldn’t keep her fingers from the keyboard, and while she was meant to be living the lowly life of a single mum, she was, in fact, living it up and was foolish enough to broadcast it on those iniquitous social networks, in full colour. http://thepensivequill.am/2013/08/what-price-justice.html

There are serious questions that have to be answered by Morris and her employer.  These surround Morris’ credibility and impartiality.  Morris has been found lying to her union but there is also the issue of her relationship with disgraced Ardoyne youth worker, Fernando Murphy, who is a convicted rioter. http://www.nuzhound.com/articles/irish_news/arts2006/sep16_mother_protests_justice_rioter.php

Morris used her column to condemn protest from the PUL community but she hides the shady past of her partner. She condemns social media post she sees as intimidatory but fails to expose the threats that her partner has made to numerous people across the social media network.


Morris objections to social media are due to the fact that before the internet, her lies and her partner’s bigotry and intimidation would not have seen a line of print, but she of all people should know, that the web is the great leveller. From now Alison Morris should be taken, “cum grano salis.” All I can say is, it’s better to don a hat of foil than one of hypocrisy.

2 thoughts on “Just another day of duplicity at the office. Just one more nail in the journalistic career of Alison Morris

  1. I think unionists should not be allowed on Facebook. They are ashamed to be Irish and cause trouble everywhere they go. Recently the ste upon the lord mayor of Belfast who wanted to open a park for children in a ‘unionist’ area of Ireland. They are consistent only in their negative feelings of violence and bitterness toward anyone who opposes their hatred.

  2. Cecil the so-called Lord Mayor represents a component of those who slaughtered thousands in Northern Ireland. The Republican movement murdered hundreds of nationalist who were opposed to their hatred. Hatred is not one-sided and the fascism of Irish Republicanism is a testament to this.

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